Please fill out the form, or print the PDF and email it to:
1. What are your thoughts on two single day tournaments on state championship weekend? Saturday would be a qualifying event and Sunday the Championship. Two entry fees.
2. As we continue to develop our tournament circuit, several options that are constantly being reviewed are Entry Fee Amount and One or Two Day Tournaments.
A. Do you think the two day format restricts teams from entering our tournaments? YesNo
B. Should the entry fee remain at $300 per tournament? YesNo
3. Tournament locations are chosen based on a number of factors including sponsorship dollars, angler participation, and tournament angler preferences. Which lakes would you like to see for 2024. (Choose 5 or less)
4. Are there any rules changes that you would like to see in 2024?
5. As we continue to develop a succession plan for those who manage and operate our tournaments we look for those who might have an interest to take over at some point in the future. If you are interested in being considered, we would like to hear from you. Contact Dave Nadgwick for more information.
6. Do you have suggestions that might improve your tournament circuit?
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